The RFS active training and game season is in full swing. With the onset of warmer weather, the teams gradually begin their training and games not only on the park's synthetic pitches but also on the natural grass. Sown in time, the natural grass areas have already greened up nicely and had their first mowing of the season.

Just a little more, and the first football training and games will be played on the natural lawns! Spectators are also invited to come and support their team - there will be enough space for everyone! LNK Industries implement the project’s construction, and the park is the fulfillment of the company's long-established idea.

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16. jūnijā, īsi pirms Eirokausu sezonas sākuma, RFS mājas spēlē pret Riga FC, skatītājiem pirmo reizi tika atvērta otrā (galvenā) tribīne. Līdz ar to turpmāk spēles uz dabīgā seguma laukuma varēs apmeklēt līdz pat 1700 skatītāji.

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