The story of LNK Sporta Parks
Like all dreams, LNK Sporta Parks has its story, too.
It began with the realization that the situation in Riga for football is not the best, to be frank. A constant shortage of high-quality training areas brought this idea of creating a park naturally.
105x68 m / One spectator stand
A synthetic field
The total amount of seats
105x68 m / 2 spectator stands
The natural grass field
The total amount of seats
105x68 m
The natural grass football field
No spectator seats available
The natural grass football field
Field Nr 3 field is designed specifically for training. It is particularly popular with professional footballers - the game on it is more pleasant, and the ball slides faster! Historically football has always been played on the natural grass pitch.
Contact us
+371 29 299 551
60x40 m / One spectator stand
The synthetic field for training
The total amount of seats
The synthetic field for training
Field Nr 4 is excellent for those who love to practice almost every day! One of the synthetic field's best features is that you can train on it all year. In addition, it is very practical and convenient for use and maintenance.
Contact us
+371 29 299 551
60x40 m / One spectator stand
The synthetic field for training
136 seats
The total amount of seats
24x14 m
The synthetic field for training
No seats available
LNK Sporta Parks is a beautiful example of a long-cherished dream coming true.
The authors of the project – LNK Industries – wanted to create a multifunctional sports, recreation and football centre for the whole family.
The park is located in Riga and is a perfect place for leisure activities, sports tournaments and football practices.
In the area, one will find six football pitches and a beach sand zone – ideal for volleyball/beach tennis tournaments. All the sites are available for rent, and soon we will also open an outdoor exercise equipment area, a relaxation area and a children's playground.
LNK Sporta Parks provides all the amenities you may need: changing rooms, a modern parking lot, an electric car charging area, and a bike parking space. Further park improvements foresee the construction of a cafe and walking area. The park is only a 15-minute drive from the centre of Riga, on the picturesque place on the banks of Daugava.
Parking lot
A vast parking lot for the visitor's comfort is available in the territory of LNK Sporta Parks. The parking space is in a closed area, while the person in charge is always there during working hours.
Modern watering system also on synthetic football pitches
LNK Sporta Parks is the only sports base in Latvia equipped with a modern watering system for both types of football fields: synthetic and natural.
One of the most modern sports centres in Latvia
LNK Sporta Parks is the only football base in Riga with so many fields open in one place! Unfortunately, until now, Riga has not been the most suitable city for football – there are more players than fields available.
Evening lighting
All synthetic pitches in the park are equipped with state-of-the-art outdoor lighting – floodlights. On the natural grass competition field, the lighting is planned to be installed within the upcoming months.
LNK Sporta Parks is a great place to organize various sports and leisure activities
All Events16. jūnijā, īsi pirms Eirokausu sezonas sākuma, RFS mājas spēlē pret Riga FC, skatītājiem pirmo reizi tika atvērta otrā (galvenā) tribīne. Līdz ar to turpmāk spēles uz dabīgā seguma laukuma varēs apmeklēt līdz pat 1700 skatītāji.
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