Football club RFS football players have just completed their first training session of the season on natural grass! Green, fresh, beautiful and ready to welcome players. In addition, the ball slides much faster on the new lawn! The summer season has officially begun

Football club RFS football players have just completed their first training session of the season on natural grass! Green, fresh, beautiful and ready to welcome players. In addition, the ball slides much faster on the new lawn! The summer season has officially begun

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16. jūnijā, īsi pirms Eirokausu sezonas sākuma, RFS mājas spēlē pret Riga FC, skatītājiem pirmo reizi tika atvērta otrā (galvenā) tribīne. Līdz ar to turpmāk spēles uz dabīgā seguma laukuma varēs apmeklēt līdz pat 1700 skatītāji.

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